
The following is the List of Acknowledgements to People/Platforms that made this Project Possible

Direct Supporters

  1. Association of Indian Go Players - Wouldn’t have resumed playing and would’ve never played on 19x19 without you guys encouraging me back in 2020.
  2. Amartya (OGS - HungryBradbury)- Thanks for the financial support, and also for the proofreading with the current roadmap.
  3. Chinky - Thanks for the UI ideas.
  4. Vadim Efimenko - From the Go Magic team. Thank you for your tips/suggessions in version 3 of the roadmap.

Theme & Hosting

  1. Jekyll
  2. Chirpy Jekyll Theme
  3. Github Pages

Images & Favicons

  1. The site’s Logo Image Borrowed from Stoned on the Goban without consent, as its my most favourite Weiqi Artwork of all time, and also because I find it the best fitting image for this project.
    The artist haven’t responded to my texts/emails yet, so I’ll keep using it for now.If I don’t get the artist’s permission to keep using it, I’ll change the image to one that wouldn’t get me in trouble.

    P.S. Do check the artworks, the artist creates the best Weiqi artworks.

  2. Other Images collected from Pinterest

People I consider my Teachers in Chronological Order(Even though I never took a direct class with them)

  1. Shawn Ray(Clossius) 4D
  2. Dwyrin 6D
  3. Stephanie Yin 1P, Ryan Li 3P
  4. Vadim Efimenko 4D
  5. Hwang In-Seong 8D
  6. Cho Yeonwoo 2P, Youngsun Yoon 8P
  7. Kim Seung-jun (Blackie) 9P, Kőszegi Diána 1P

Go Platforms - most important Platforms that fueled my studies.

  1. Go Magic - A Modern Platform for Learning the Game
  2. Sensei’s XMP - A Special Wiki for the Game
  3. Online Go Server - Most Popular English Playing Platform
  4. Yunguseng Dojang - Online Go School of My Favourite Teacher In-Seong Hwang(8d)
  5. Awesome Baduk - Online School of Young Sun Yoon(8p) & Yeon Woo Cho(3p)
  6. Baduk.Club - A Platform to find Nearby Players/Clubs
  7. Leago.GG - Tournament Platform