
20 Kyu to 15 Kyu - More Thrilling Go Games

Master Fuseki, Joseki, Shape, and Tsumego with this beginner-friendly guide to Go strategy on the 19x19 board.

20 Kyu to 15 Kyu - More Thrilling Go Games

Glad to see you here! These are the steps where your skills will start to shine and your love for Go will deepen. Let’s make it fun and rewarding!

Suggested Completion Time: At least 1 Month

Focus Areas: DDK Basics, Fuseki, Joseki, Shape, and 19x19 strategy

Must-Watch Videos

  1. Sharpen your understanding of shapes with Dsaun’s Shape Lecture
  2. Identify and eliminate Typical Mistakes that might be holding you back.
  3. Explore Go wisdom through Proverb Videos by Michael Redmond(Professional 9 Dan)
  4. Dive into videos 11-15(“to 19k” in their titles) of theClossi Approach Series.

What is Fuseki?

Fuseki simply means “Opening.” It’s your first step in laying the groundwork for a solid game.

  1. Learn the basics withChapter 4 : Opening - by Here We GO
  2. Get creative with Fuseki ideas from Simple Baduk

What is Joseki?

Joseki are common corner sequences where both players aim for balanced outcomes. Mastering them gives you a strong start.

  1. Start withIntro to Joseki by Clossius
  2. Learn to blend Joseki & Fuseki together for cohesive strategies with Clossius.
  3. Explore Common Beginner Josekis from Ryan Li(Professional 3 Dan)
  4. Learn some common Joseki Mistakes and how to Punish from Stephanie Yin(1 Dan Professional)
  5. For a deeper dive, watch myJoseki Lecture I did for AIGP. (Apologies for my introverted delivery, but the content is worth it!)

Strengthen with Tsumegos (Puzzles)

  1. Progress through GoMagic’sSkill Tree and aim to complete Common Invasions in the School of Wizards.
  2. Solve puzzles from theTsumego Hero Collections: Sort by Difficulty+ and tackle each set systematically.

Play More GO!!

  1. Commit to playing 25 to 30games on the 19x19 board to gain practical experience.
  2. Join the Site Ladders on OGS for fun tournaments.
  3. Become part of communities by joining online Groups/Forumson OGS or Discord for Game Reviews and Discussions.

I hope you’re enjoying the 19x19 introduction. Hone your 19x19 basics and don’t stress over mistakes, it happens. Good Luck, Have Fun!

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